Join us!

We are always happy to hear from enthusiastic people interested in studying gene regulation using a combination of experimental and computational approaches.

Whether your primary background is biological or numerical (statistical, computational, physical, etc.) we look forward to hearing from you.


If you are interested in a postdoc position with us, please get in touch to discuss possible projects and funding routes. Funded postdoc positions are advertised on jobs websites such as and Naturejobs. We are also happy to support a personal postdoc fellowship to join our team.

PhD students

MRC LMS offers fully funded PhD studentships registered with Imperial College. Please see Studying at the LMS pages for more details. Contact Mikhail if you have an alternative source of PhD funding, such as a studentship from your home country, and are interested to work with us.

Undergraduate, masters and summer students

We regularly host Imperial College’s 3rd year BSc and MSc students. Please contact us if you would like to do a project with us. Several funding options for summer students may be available, deadlines for which are usually in January-February each year.

Want to join us?

We are always happy to hear from enthusiastic people interested in studying gene regulation - get in touch!